Institutional affiliations:
- Professor / Director of Athletic Therapy, Gupta Faculty of Kinesiology and Applied Health, University of Winnipeg
- Athletic Therapist - University of Winnipeg Sport Therapy Clinic
- Certified athletic therapist with the Canadian Association of Sports Therapists (1975)
- President-World Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy (WFATT)
Role in adult concussion care
I have had the privilege of working for 45 years in professional and amateur sport at the university, national and international levels. It gave me the opportunity to be part of this ever-changing world of knowledge and concussion management. I am primarily interested in the prevention of concussions linked to sport by promoting respect and fair play in sport. As an athletic therapist, I want to promote best practices in the recognition and management of concussions in the field; followed by the most effective and evidence-based post-concussion rehabilitation and return to play / work. As a professor at the University of Winnipeg, I am committed to training future sports therapy professionals who will further advance our knowledge and management of concussions in the future.